General Dermatology, Aesthetic Cosmetic/Plastic Surgery Anesthesiology Herbal treatments
Media Coverage
Introducing various appearances of our clinic in mass-media.
Appeared in the newspaper “Shopper” (ショッパー) April 9th , 2015
Musashi Urawa Medical Report, Spring Issue
Appeared in the newspaper “Shopper” (ショッパー) March 27th , 2014
Musashi Urawa Medical Report, Spring Issue
Appeared in Central and Southern Saitama Edition of “Pado” (ぱど) in the Janruary 2014 issue No.59
ぱど Central and Southern Saitama Edition Musashi Urawa Medical Report, Spring Issue
Appeared in the newspaper “Shopper” (ショッパー) September 5th , 2013
Musashi Urawa Medical Report, Early Autumn Issue
Appeared and was published in a Magazine
“anan”, special 2013 compilation edition Herbal Medicine BOOK: "Effective Herbal Medicine for working women " page 68
Appeared in the newspaper “Shopper” (ショッパー) February 28th , 2013
Musashi Urawa Medical Report, Early Spring Issue
Appeared and was published in a Magazine
“anan”, special 2012 compilation edition Herbal Medicine BOOK: "Herbal Medicine for the mind and body " page 66
Appeared and was published in a Magazine
埼玉ぴあ 2011